On 3/8/07, nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow, uh, okay, I guess I'll take everyone's enthusastic silence to
> mean that our documentation is perfect, no one has any questions, and
> we can just go ahead and close this mailing list, since everybody
> seems to know everything.  That's amazing.
> However, if anyone (and yes, *you* are included in 'anyone') happens
> to have a great, good, decent, or, hell, even a crappy, retarded
> question, please don't hesitate to attach it to the ticket linked
> above, with or without an answer.

Here are a few questions. (i find it much easier to put them here
than on trac...)

Q: Is it possible to use CakePHP with databases that don't follow
Cake's conventions (legacy databases or non-English table names) ?
A: Yes.  You can set the model's corresponding table with $useTable='my_table'
if the table name is not the plural of the model name or it is a
non-English word.
If the primary key is not called 'id' , you can set it to something else with
$primaryKey = 'pk_column'.

Q: What should I do when I'm stuck and the manual says nothing about
my problem?
A: (1) Search in the google group archives:
    (2) Check the Bakery:  http://bakery.cakephp.org/
    (3) Search the web with your favourite search engine
    (4) Ask your question on the irc channel or on the google group.

Q: How can I paginate the query results in Cake?
A: (please correct me if my understanding about this is wrong...)
CakePHP 1.2.x.x introduced the PaginatorHelper , which eases this task.
(this feature will clearly deserve a place in the 1.2.x.x Manual as
well , in my opinion).
For CakePHP 1.1.x.x i think there was an article in the Bakery, but i
can't find
its link, sorry.

Q: How can I report a bug?
A: Please check this page https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/bugreport

Adrian Maier

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