It's cool y'all, just chill for a bit.  Help is on the way... yeah
baby, help is on the way.

digital spaghetti:
If you $this->Auth->fields = array('password' => 'passwd'), that
leaves it without a user name.  You need to either do:

$this->Auth->fields['password'] = 'passwd';
- or -
$this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'username', 'password' =>

On Mar 14, 3:06 pm, "digital spaghetti"
> Yea, unfortunatly I got that today as well (a piss off)
> I managed to get it implemented, but still hit a few snags:
> Defining $this->Auth->fields = array('password' = 'passwd'); doesn't
> seem to work.
> Just for testing, I changed the var directly in the component and it
> worked, but it seems at the moment $this->Auth->login() only supports
> plain text password.  I'm going to assume that support for which has
> to use (I.e md5, sha1,etc) will come later.
> Also, another problem for me seems to be all the auth components out
> there seem to be the username/password route - but I'm implementing
> cakebakers OpenID component in my site, and authorisation takes place
> off-site through the OpenID provider, who then passes back a message
> to say "this user is valid".  Although I create a user record for
> this, the user has no need for a password on my site.
> If anyone has any ideas on how to implement this, that would be great!
> Tane
> On 3/14/07, BlenderStyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I got the new AuthComponent going by doing this in UsersController:
> > function beforeFilter() {
> > $this->Auth->allow('index', 'register', 'login', 'logout');
> > }
> > I'm reading cake/libs/controller/components/auth.php as I go along. My
> > next step is to figure out how to use $this->Auth->login(). I'm sure I
> > can figure it out, but I'm always concerned about best practices. Any
> > ideas? I understand that Cake 1.2 is still an alpha release, but the
> > new features are just awesome sounding. If I get a, "piss off and
> > wait" response from one of the developers, I'll understand and still
> > be happy with Cake 1.2.
> > On Feb 28, 2:54 pm, "joradom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > you have to set up the Auth object with the allowed actions in your
> > > controller:
> > > i.e. in my users_controller
> > > function beforeFilter() {
> > >                 $this->Auth->userModel = 'User';
> > >                 $this->Auth->sessionKey = 'My';
> > >                 $this->Auth->loginRedirect = '/users/index';
> > >                 $this->Auth->allowedActions = array('index', 'register',
> > > 'logout','login');
> > >         }
> > > there is a set function wich takes an array as argument, surely a
> > > better way to setup your object.
> > > I'm not sure if it is better to have a call to Auth in each controller
> > > or put it in the app_controller, may depend on your application i
> > > guess.
> > > Hope this helps, because I'm struggling too with this component and
> > > these are just experiments, not good code :)
> > > On 27 feb, 17:08, "Digital Spaghetti"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hey guys,
> > > > I'm reasonably new to CakePHP, really only had a play about with it so
> > > > far but I am ready to take it to the next level.
> > > > The first thing I am building into my app is the user system, so users
> > > > can log in and get access to specific areas.  I've decided to go with
> > > > 1.2.x.x branch since it has the newAuth componentbut I've come
> > > > across problems already.
> > > > In my AppController class, I have added theAuth component, but now
> > > > every page I look at, it's asking me to log in as a user (via /users/
> > > > login as the default in Auth), but of course I don't want this on
> > > > every page, only pages that are under admin.
> > > > Can anyone direct me the proper usage of this component, as it's not
> > > > well documented yet (at least to a level I can read) and how to only
> > > > have it ask for login on certain controller functions (like /admin/
> > > > posts/add for example).
> > > > Tane

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