Hi All,

I'm trying to setup a global css navigation menu. Basically All my
pages for the site are in a table called 'nodes'. Each page has a
parent_id so I can use findAllThreaded() to generate an unordered list
using a 'tree' helper (http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/64) I
found in the bakery.

Now when I set this up in a specific function within the Nodes
controller it works fine. example:

In the function 'edit' within the nodes controller I have this bit of
$this->set('category_tree', $this->Node->generateList());

In my default layout page I have:
echo $tree->show('Node/title', $menu);

Obviously this only works when I'm in - /nodes/edit/x

What I want is to have that navigation available on every single page
so I don't have to set the menu variable in each function in each
controller. From my research around the place it seems that using
beforeFilter() in AppController is what I'm looking for, but I'm not
sure my syntax is correct as I get this error:
Notice: Undefined property: PagesController::$Node in C:\wamp\www\cake
\cake\app_controller.php on line 64
Fatal error: Call to a member function findAllThreaded() on a non-
object in C:\wamp\www\cake\cake\app_controller.php on line 64

In my app_controller.php file I have:

class AppController extends Controller {

        var $name = 'Nodes';
        var $components  = array('othAuth');
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'OthAuth');
        var $othAuthRestrictions = array( 'add','edit','delete');

        function beforeFilter()

        $this->set('menu', $this->Node->findAllThreaded()); //This is
the line in question

        $auth_conf = array(
                    'mode'  => 'oth',
                    'login_page'  => '/users/login',
                    'logout_page' => '/users/logout',
                    'access_page' => '/',
                    'hashkey'     => 'MySEcEeTHaSHKeYz',
                    'noaccess_page' => '/users/noaccess',
                    'strict_gid_check' => false);

        $this->othAuth->controller = &$this;



Could somebody please give me some pointers or tell me if I'm on the
right track. If not are there any suggestions to achieve what I'm
trying to do?

Thanks in advance.

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