There's no way to do that with the built-in Session component in Cake.
At least, not directly. You'll find that your solution will involve a
User model, and probably some work with the beforeFilter in
AppController. The concept would be to store some form of timestamp in
the session, if it's older than (now - 20 minutes) you automatically
log the user out and display the message.

I can't be more helpful than this because I haven't implemented such a
system myself, and it may be more complex than I think.

On Jun 6, 3:03 pm, uk_maul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I have been searching on the cakephp group and on the internet but I
> still haven't found a way to display a "You have been logged out due
> to X minutes due to inactivity" message to the user. Please let me
> know if anyone has done something similar in Cake. My Session security
> is set to low now meaning 60 minutes of inactivity before we logout
> the user.
> Regards
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: uk_maul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Jun 2, 10:55 am
> Subject: How to display a session timeout message to the user
> To: Cake PHP
> Hi
> I see that my Cake session security default is set to MEDIUM - which
> logs out a user after 20 minutes of inactivity. I want to display an
> error message to the user saying that "You have been logged out due to
> sessiontimeout, please login again". Please let me know how I can do
> this in CakePHP.
> Regards

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