
I thought that I would share my recent experience with the group of
moving my CakePHP development environment from:

   Eclipse (with PDT) on Windows (XP)


   Eclipse (with PDT) on Linux (Fedora 7 - 64 bit)

As you can imagine, this has been a huge challenge.  I have some
experience managing Linux servers, but moving to a Linux desktop is a
a big step.

I took the easy path of installing the Eclipse package that is
distributed with Fedora 7.  Initially I had installed the 32 bit version
of F7 test 4 (before the full release of F7), then switched to the 64
bit version when I installed the F7 full release.

In both cases I had huge problems.  I installed PDT (PHP Development
Tools) using Eclipse's Update Manager and attempted to configure Eclipse
to treat .thtml files as PHP files.  This is where the trouble occurred.

Attempting to open a .thtml file caused Eclipse to freeze.  Attempting
to edit any .php file caused Eclipse to freeze.

In desperation I uninstalled the F7 Eclipse package and downloaded the
"all inclusive" package of Eclipse and PDT.

Upon installation I found that Eclipse + PDT refused to run as something
in it required a 32 bit JRE, rather than the 64 bit JRE that is supplied
by the F7 Update Manager.  I downloaded the JRE 1.6.0_01 rpm for 32 bit
Linux from Sun and installed it.

I now ran up against my limited understanding of Java.  How to make
Eclipse use the new JRE, not the old JRE.

Java is a fantastic platform and is a real asset.  However, unless you
are reasonably clever, it is nigh on impossible to figure out how to
install it and make it work.  I have always found it incredibly
difficult on both Windows and Linux to get it to run my Java application.

The best thing that Sun could have done/could do for Java is to dedicate
a few people to writing and maintaining the "Definitive Guide to
Installing and Configuring Java on your platform".  Without this vital
information it is just hard work.  Hard enough that many people, I am
sure, are completely put off it.

Oh, and if that guide is already out there, then what they REALLY need
to do is make it easy to find!

In the end I stumbled across an arkane little web page that described
exactly what I needed to know:


I have never managed to find anything like this info for managing Java
on Linux and it was a god-send.  Simply put, it worked.  After clearing
out a bunch of config files that Eclipse left sitting around, I could
launch Eclipse successfully.

The final test was configuring Eclipse to treat .thtml files as PHP
content type.  Surprise, surprise, it worked!  I am now back to the
point that I was two weeks ago with my Windows development environment.
  I can edit, save, and build my Cake projects in Eclipse.

It has been a long and painful process, but I am starting to get some
confidence in my new Linux desktop.  Enough confidence that I am even
ready to decommission my old Windows machine (and rebuild it with Linux
for my partner, who has been badgering me to save her from the Mac Mini
that she has been living with - really it just needs some more RAM ...).

Now to sort out my new dedicated server.  Wish me luck ...


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