Bakers one and all,

I think the recent "Commented Version of CakePHP Manual" is a direct  
result of me not sharing what's going on with the docs: where we've  
been, and where we're headed. Hopefully I can clear this up a bit  
right now.

First, the wiki was a festering pit of misinformation and outdated  
information. It caused much more grief than it eased, and I am  
forever grateful it is long gone. The bakery is a perfect replacement  
- its a way for users to contribute content that we can date, tie to  
a specific version of cakephp, and most importantly monitor for  
accuracy and quality. To me the bakery is a huge success.

What we're working on now is a way to make the manual more community  
oriented. This includes the ability for community members to:

        - Contribute content
        - Correct content
        - Translate
        - Comment

This system is already under way, and will also help us convert the  
manual to PDF, CHM, and HTML (via the DocBook XML format).

There are currently *no* official docs for v1.2, nor will there be  
until we have a final release. Things are changing (for the good),  
things are being added on, and it does me no good to chase a moving  
target. That said, we're almost 100 pages into the 1.2 manual, which  
is has been greatly updated in the area of helping people see the big  
picture with CakePHP (MVC basics, class/file overviews, etc.).

If you'd like to see the outline of the new manual, check out the  
wiki tab on the cakedocs project at cakeforge.

By the way, the cakedocs team only has about 5 or 6 active members.  
I'd love to have any help if you're interested in making the docs  
better. If you want to volunteer time, please, please, please come  
and talk to someone on the team so we can get you channelled into  
something we're working on. We always appreciate community help. We  
always appreciate outside efforts - however - if you want to make the  
most difference for the most people, contribute to an official project.

Questions, suggestions?

-- John

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