On Jun 19, 2007, at 8:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It seems to me that there are a lot of good arguments on both sides of
> the wiki style debate (wikipedia seems to work, but only through shear
> number of managers).
> However, the point here is more fundamental to Cake in my opinion.
> It's already been raised that it can be difficult to identify and
> directly contact the Cake team, and that communication - especially in
> the area of documentation - has been limited of late. Endless thanks
> to John for clarifying that (Cf. State of the Docs thread).

Most of us hang out in IRC during the US working day. Besides, we all  
follow this mailing list as well.

We're not too hard to get a hold of. We don't bite very often, so  
you're pretty safe contacting us with questions. :)

> Of course, when you don't tell people how to find the tools, and you
> don't give them the tools (decent 1.2 docs) they will tend to go and
> do their own thing. vide the excellent commented manual idea.

I've tried to communicate this better, but please note: there will be  
*no* docs for 1.2 until it is finally released. It is a development  
version. Please please please realize that 1.2 has no official docs  
until it has been officially released.

> Is there anything the Cake core team can do to embrace the community's
> ideas more enthusiatically, and open up the cabal a bit. Cease and
> desist tactics, and snotty comments in groups like this are the domain
> of the closed source world, and defy the spirit of free and open
> source software.

I'm very open to ideas on this. We try to keep on trac tickets,  
though I haven't done a very good job of that lately. I suppose  
that's the easiest way to formally review new ideas.

Don't be surprised if we push back on your ideas, and please don't  
take it personally. We're only trying to do what we think is best.

> Cake is a great platform, but we could be nicer to people who are
> trying to use it. I will certainly try and do so myself in this forum
> now I've figured it all out.




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