For those that interest on using CakePHP without mod_rewrite I had put
together a recap of all the tweaks that I did to get CakePHP work
without mod_rewrite.

Here is the link to that article:

Please let me know if you have any question.


On Jun 25, 6:13 pm, "Jonathan Langevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if he has blocked access to the 'app' directory, he should be safe. but
> that's a big if :-)
> On 6/25/07, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait wait wait...
> > Have you really extracted all of you webroot files into the parent
> > folder of "app" - like your diagram shows.  So you have something like
> > c:\yourproject\app
> > c:\yourproject\app\controllers
> > c:\yourproject\app\models
> > as well as
> > c:\yourproject\index.php
> > c:\yourproject\js
> > c:\yourproject\img
> > That is a really bad idea - you now have all of your application
> > source files inside your webroot!  The main reason for separating this
> > is because the files in webroot are what is accessible by your
> > webserver - and anyone that can make a request to your site.  This
> > should only be images/css/js etc, not your actual PHP source files.
> > I cannot think of any good reason for modifying the folder structure
> > like that.  You might want to move the webroot folder somewhere else -
> > but you should certainly not put your application (and core, and
> > vendors) files INSIDE the webroot.

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