>From what I can see you will need a helper that has access to the
smiley model.

You can do so with:
class SmileyHelper extends Helper{
  var $Smiley = new Smiley();

And then you can use it like $this->Smiley->find('ascii_code'=>';)');

Creating the regex find and replace is up to you.

On Jul 10, 6:18 am, DrLaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello there!
> I'm at the moment trying to figure out how to fit a new model into the
> existing controller. As I mentioned earlier I did manage to create a
> relation between Avatars and Guestbooks, since it had the elements
> required to create such a relation in Cake's framework.
> Now, the tricky thing I have yet to grasp (I'm reading the replies
> here while I trial and error a bit), is how to make the combine of the
> guestbook controller or its views to be able to get to the information
> stored in the model.
> I'm of the impression that I can't get to the data information stored
> in the model without shipping it into a controller first.
> I need to combine the Smileys information with the rest of the
> guestbook in order to translate an ASCII ":)" into an img-tag.
> I have an ERD that you can look at and as you can see there is no
> database relation between the Guestbooks and Smileys, but there will
> be a relation in the application (where the message text from the
> Guestbooks table will be parsed to replace ASCII smileys into img-
> tags).http://www.jhe.nu/upload/erd.jpg
> I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow in the understanding here, but programming
> like this in PHP is totally new for me. But I appreciate you taking
> your time to try and help me out!
> Regards
>  DrLaban
> On Jul 7, 1:28 am, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you don't want to hard code them in your helper, then you will need
> > another database table for your smileys.  And a model.
> > Now you can get/set the database data just like any other model,
> > through $this->Smiley->find() and $this->Smiley->save().  To get a
> > list you might want to use $this->Smiley->generateList().
> > Now, how does Smiley relate to other models?  I would have guessed
> > that the HTML code for a smiley is to be added to a textarea (ie in
> > your GuestBook post?) but after this point there is no dynamic
> > relationship.  In which case there are no associations.  Or perhaps a
> > single Smiley has to be chosen for the Guestbook post icon - in which
> > case you want a GuestBook belongsTo Smiley association (with
> > GuestBook.smiley_id).

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