I've read discussions from people in the cake core group to this
affect, and I've seen it in my own work as well, especially with many
large models, which is usually the case for me since I try to keep my
controllers as lite as possible. It may not be as large an issue since
1.11 (i think that's when they introduced lazy loading?), but it still
does affect load times on shared servers, especially overloaded shared

On Jul 29, 4:30 pm, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 29, 4:45 pm, housebolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > $usesiseviland should be sparsely used.
> Do you have any benchmarks to back this up, or any comments from the
> core Cake developers (ie PHPNut or Nate) to this effect?  I have not
> heard this before, and it sounds like FUD.  I use loadModel heavily in
> my code and do not notice any particular performance hit (and afaik
> loadModel is basically the same as $uses).  Cake model instances are
> cached in the ClassRegistry, and I was under the impression these
> existing instances were used for associations and $useswhere
> possible.
> Certainly there is some performance hit to loading in Model classes
> (and it shouldn't be done unnecessarily), but unless you have some
> further proof I don't believe this is any worse whether they are
> loaded through associations, through $uses, or through loadModel.

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