I had the exact same thing.

The jails blog *does* work though (and works well when it does).

Have you changed the hash in the database?

Have you ran the init_acl script?

The only thing I can suggest if those two things fail, is to clear out
what you've got, and start again. The tiniest of mistakes can cause it
to fall over and be a dog to debug.

One thing, the acl component is broken and there is a ticket in the
trac (with patch). At the moment, parent permissions are overwriting
any permissions further down the line but for the blog tutorial that
shouldnt matter.

On Oct 5, 8:54 am, Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've followed the tutorial 
> athttp://blog.jails.fr/cakephp/index.php?post/2007/08/15/AuthComponent-...
> , I updated the ACL as said and all. But when I try to login with the
> admin account I get "You are not authorized to access that location."
> even though I ran the InitAcl with the line
> $this->Acl->allow('Admin', 'Users', '*');
> And another weird thing, when I enter an invalid username/password
> combination I doesn't get the "Login failed.  Invalid username or
> password.".
> Anyone experienced the same?

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