It seems you do not use mod-rewrite for you cake11 links. Be sure to
have the .htaccess in the webroot and comment this line in the config/
core.php : //   define ('BASE_URL', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));
Cake12 should work the same

> hi, im trying to use Cakephp 1.2 alpha, but there are some problems.
> i've built blog demos application on cakephp 1.1, there was no
> problem. But on cakephp 1.2, i met with difficulties. I put the
> project into cake12 folder like this: cake12/app,cake,vendors, and the
> same with cake 1.1, folder cake11 contained app,cake,vendors folder.
> Both were put into the web root folder. As i run by these 
> urls:http://localhost/cake11/andhttp://localhost/cake12/, the first page
> blog of both were right loaded, but when i clicked on link "Add post",
> it just appeared right url for cake 
> 1.1(washttp://localhost/cake11/index.php/posts/add/)
> and wrong for cake 1.2(washttp://localhost/posts/add/). Do you know
> why it's wrong? I used the same $html->link("Add Post", "/posts/add")
> for two. And do you you know how to change the url 
> tohttp://localhost/cake11/posts/add/
> instead ofhttp://localhost/cake11/index.php/posts/add/?

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