I think your setup is not impractical, in fact it's a very common type
of relationships, for example:
User hasMany Address, and there is one Address that is used as
Theme hasMany Layout, and there is one Layout that is set as current
Using array as Christopher suggested is a solution I often use, but
specifying an additional association as J.B. described seems to be a
better solution.
However, the association should be 'belongsTo' instead of
'hasOne' (not sure if J.B. has tested)
The reason is default_address_id' is foreign_key in customers table,
and it corresponds to address_id on addresses table.

in the Customer model, try
$belongsTo = array(
                        'Address' => array('className' => 'Address',
                                                                'foreignKey' => 

in the controller, try:


and you will see the default address followed by an array of addresses
(including the default address as well !)


On Nov 28, 3:55 pm, "J.B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This can be done by adding another association, hasOne, on the model.
> The customers model will then have one hasOne and one hasMany
> association to the same model (addresses), just remember to name the
> associations different names and to use default_address_id as the
> foreign_key for the hasOne association.
> Code:
> var $hasMany = array('Address' => array('name' => 'Address'));
> var $hasOne = array('DefaultAddress' => array('name' => 'Address',
> {foreign_key stuff here...}));
> I think it's something like that :P
> On 29 Nov, 00:02, FrenchEscapes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a customers table and an addresses table, customers hasMany
> > addresses, that bit's easy.
> > But I want each customer to have a default address in the addresses
> > table. I have a field 'default_address_id' in the customer table. I
> > just can't get my head around how to use associations to link them.
> > Thank you in advance.
> > Duncan
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