I would put a bool flag in addresses table. Something like
`defaultAddress` as bool, where set to true when default and false on
the other case.
Then you could put WHERE statement into your find function.

On Nov 29, 11:50 am, "J.B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> zonium: yes, you're absolutely right. and I haven't tested it...
> Remember to put two associations in the address model as well, address
> hasOne (or hasMany, depending on what you want) customer
> (default_address_id) and address belongsTo customer...
> On 29 Nov, 10:27, zonium <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think your setup is not impractical, in fact it's a very common type
> > of relationships, for example:
> > User hasMany Address, and there is one Address that is used as
> > default
> > Theme hasMany Layout, and there is one Layout that is set as current
> > etc.
> > Using array as Christopher suggested is a solution I often use, but
> > specifying an additional association as J.B. described seems to be a
> > better solution.
> > However, the association should be 'belongsTo' instead of
> > 'hasOne' (not sure if J.B. has tested)
> > The reason is default_address_id' is foreign_key in customers table,
> > and it corresponds to address_id on addresses table.
> > in the Customer model, try
> > $belongsTo = array(
> >                         'Address' => array('className' => 'Address',
> >                                                                 
> > 'foreignKey' => 'default_address_id',
> >                                              ),
> >                         );
> > in the controller, try:
> > $this->Customer->findAll(array("id"=>'123456'))
> > and you will see the default address followed by an array of addresses
> > (including the default address as well !)
> > Zonium
> > On Nov 28, 3:55 pm, "J.B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This can be done by adding another association, hasOne, on the model.
> > > The customers model will then have one hasOne and one hasMany
> > > association to the same model (addresses), just remember to name the
> > > associations different names and to use default_address_id as the
> > > foreign_key for the hasOne association.
> > > Code:
> > > var $hasMany = array('Address' => array('name' => 'Address'));
> > > var $hasOne = array('DefaultAddress' => array('name' => 'Address',
> > > {foreign_key stuff here...}));
> > > I think it's something like that :P
> > > On 29 Nov, 00:02, FrenchEscapes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I have a customers table and an addresses table, customers hasMany
> > > > addresses, that bit's easy.
> > > > But I want each customer to have a default address in the addresses
> > > > table. I have a field 'default_address_id' in the customer table. I
> > > > just can't get my head around how to use associations to link them.
> > > > Thank you in advance.
> > > > Duncan

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