   echo $javascript->link('functions');

     echo $javascript->link('functions.js');

i hope this will solve ure problem

On Nov 29, 6:51 pm, sMAshdot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have added the Javascript Helper to the $helpers array in my
> controller,
> and have a file called functions.js in the app/webroot/js/ directory.
> The server (apache2) has it's document root pointing at app/webroot/
> (production mode).
> now
> <?php echo $javascript->link('functions.js') ?> in the default.thtml
> layout renders
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js">
> but firefox's error console talks about a syntax error in the file and
> shows me what it thinks to be my functions.js ... an html document :-(
> I wonder if it is a problem with cakephp routes, or the webserver
> which goofs up the request for the file. Maybe, am I simply doing
> so  mething wrong?
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