Hint: You can disable  UA check for session.
Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false)
or put this in config.php somehow...

On Dec 13, 9:44 am, ProFire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you are right!
> I have checked out the session folder and duplicated the error again.
> This is what I found:
> First Ajax Call(Dummy Data):
> Config|a:3:{
>         s:9:"userAgent";
>         s:32:"7a98565405c4c8c1b17961f9f9edd2fd";
>         s:4:"time";
>         i:1197535939;
>         s:4:"rand";
>         i:3406;}
> userData|a:2:{
>         s:7:"Account";a:6:{
>         s:10:"account_id";
>         s:1:"2";
>         s:8:"username";
>         s:5:"admin";
>         s:8:"password";
>         s:8:"password";
>         s:4:"role";
>         s:5:"admin";
>         s:10:"pwd_expire";
>         s:1:"0";
>         s:6:"active";
>         s:1:"1";}
> s:10:"Department";a:0:{}}
> Second Ajax Call:
> Config|a:3:{
>         s:9:"userAgent";
>         s:32:"7a98565405c4c8c1b17961f9f9edd2fd";
>         s:4:"time";
>         i:1197535940;
>         s:4:"rand";
>         i:25783;
> }
> My entire user information is gone at the second request.
> The second request also generated another file (Or like you said, it
> was moving when the second ajax came in).
> So in order to solve this problem, I should set my security lower or
> implement some form of "queue system" right?
> On Dec 13, 3:55 pm, zonium <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am guessing there might be some other causes:
> > - The user agent changed between calls (less likely in your case,
> > though)
> > - When first ajax call came, cake regenerated session_id (if security
> > level set to high) The second ajax request might have taken place when
> > session info had been moved to a new 'location' identified by the new
> > session id (the second ajax call still attempted to use the old
> > session id). To verify this, look into the /tmp folder (or the folder
> > you use for session save path) to see how the session files get
> > changed upon EACH request from browser.
> > On Dec 12, 6:28 pm, ProFire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Ok! Maybe I should rephrase my questions.
> > > What are the causes for an Expired session?
> > > I know the standard ones are the Time Limit and the code
> > > (session_destroy()).
> > > Are there any other causes for it?
> > > Is there a code in CakePHP that causes session to expire?- Hide quoted 
> > > text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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