I'm attempting to apply the Bakery article "Testing Models with
CakePHP 1.2 test suite" <http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/
testing-models-with-cakephp-1-2-test-suite> by Mariano Iglesias to my
own testing, but I'm getting Missing Database Table for my *Test

Is anyone successfully using these techniques and willing to volunteer
to answer questions?   Technical details of my specific issue follow.

I'm try to adapt Mariano's examples to a test for the TournamentGame
model, so my derived class should be this, right?:


class TournamentGameTest extends TournamentGame {
    var $name = 'TournamentGameTest';
    var $useDbConfig = 'test_suite';

But I get this error:

Missing Database Table

No Database table for model TournamentGameTest (expected
test_suite_tournament_game_tests), create it first.

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

I was under the impression from the article that CakePHP automagically
knows that the *Test derived class corresponds to the model, but
perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, or perhaps it's changed in
present versions.

I notice that it's correctly applying the test_suite prefix, but I was
under the impression that those needed tables are automatically
created during the execution of the test.   Am I missing something

I'm on SVN revision 6123, by the way.



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