Which part did you not understand?

Basically, i installed cakephp on a folder. Which is /cakewww/. Configured
Apache <Directory /www/cakewww/> and set AllowOverride to All.

If you type it on a url: www.example.com/cakewww/. The page is saying 404.

I edited /www/cakewww/.htaccess and add this RewriteBase /cakewww/ before
RewriteEngine on.

And the frontpage shows (working css). Now to check if controllers works, i
visited www.example.com/cakewww/profile

and it gives me Apache 400 error.

This is just basic configuration and installation.

Any ideas how to make cakephp work on a subfolder/apache alias?


On Dec 27, 2007 9:40 PM, Kjell Bublitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't fully understand your problem, or what you are trying to show
> everyone, but:
> Did you know that you can (and should) map the DocumentRoot to
> "/cake_1x/[app]/webroot/"?
> That way, the libs are not public and the url rewriting via .htaccess
> to /js, /img, /files and /css becomes obsolete, since those folders
> are already at the top level then.
> In total this makes 2 things less to worry about: no open enviroment
> and less url rewrites.
> Additonally it is a good practice to define the rewrite rules from the
> /webroot/.htaccess file directly within the <Directory> section of
> your httpd.ini (or vhost). This will speed things up a little, because
> Apache does not need to find and parse the .htaccess file every time
> something is requested. Once you have added the rewrite rules to the
> apache config you can delete the .htaccess from /webroot/.
> PS: You an seperate the the 'cakephp' files and the 'app' completly.
> just define CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH within the index.php (or
> bootstrap.php). This allows you to share one cakephp-core with other
> apps and keep the core out of '/var/www' completely.
> Best,
>  Kjell
> On Dec 27, 2007 7:30 AM, Louie Miranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I been reading a lot of discussions on the cakephp mailing list. but,
> could
> > not figure out how to do this properly. Maybe this thread will be useful
> > someday.
> > I am familiar with the settings for Apache (httpd.conf) and PHP (
> php.ini),
> > the only thing i am a bit clueless is the .htaccess file, but could
> > understand how it works.
> >
> > 1. Created a apache alias called /cakewww/ on example.com ON httpd.ini.
> Now
> > it will look like example.com/cakewww/, when visited.
> > 2. Configured Apache directory directive ON httpd.ini. -- AllowOverride
> None
> > to AllowOverride All
> > 3. Extracted cake 1.x to /www/. It is now /www/cakephp_1.x/.
> > 4. Renamed /www/cakephp_1.x/ to /www/cakewww/
> > 5. Visited example.com/cakewww/
> >
> > * 404 Error - WHY? because cakephp is configured to be set on the main
> > domain. Which on my example is example.com. Which resides on a folder
> /www/.
> > When visited, it will still visit example.com/ and not
> example.com/cakewww/
> > .
> >
> > 6. So, edited /www/cakewww/.htaccess
> >
> > from ---------------
> > > <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
> > >    RewriteEngine on
> > >    RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
> > >    RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]
> > > </IfModule>
> > >
> >
> > to --------------- (added RewriteBase /cakewww/)
> > > <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
> > >    RewriteEngine on
> > >    RewriteBase /cakewww/
> > >    Redirect /google.html http://www.google.com
> > >    RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
> > >    RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]
> > > </IfModule>
> > >
> >
> > 7. Visited example.com/cakewww/ -- shoot! It worked, even the CSS
> > (stylesheet).
> > 8. Tried to check if the whole cake thing works by visiting
> > example.com/cakewww/testurl -- :( did not worked, 400 error on Apache.
> >
> > Now, i am lost. What's next?
> >
> > --
> > Louie Miranda ( [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > http://www.axishift.com
> >
> > Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
> > chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)
> >  >
> >
> >

Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)

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