> I find the above statement very unfair towards cakePHP team - if we as
> users are not willing to take an extra step to help out the developers
> who are giving us all this awesome goodness then I would say that we
> users are being utterly selfish and do not understand how friendships
> work!

Well, sorry, it was not my intention to be unfair. I think that the
Cake team is doing a great job each and every day and congratulate
them on that. Don't get me wrong on that.

But it is a bit odd that the same people who can create such great
framework can neglect the presentation layer. Bakery _is_ what most of
the new Cake users see after the official site, and if it's not
usable, what will the newcomers think of the framework itself?

On the other hand, isn't Cake created for us (users/developers)? No
users - no Cake. Of course, *no Cake team - no Cake*; but I'm pretty
sure that core bakers do not code all this for themselves. I would
never say anything against them because that would just plain suck
bigtime. I think that open source is all about sharing and _listening_
to what other people have to say, even if it is something negative.
The day bakers stop doing that will be the end of Cake (or any other
project for that matter). I don't know, I might be seriously wrong, I
guess that's the beauty of it. :-)

(I know the above paragraph will somehow be misinterpreted as bashing
and that I will regret for posting it)

Sorry for the off-topic.
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