After deciding mysql views won't work - well, technically they will,
but its a not good solution - not portable (mysql only), not scalable
(no indexing) and in general a risky proposition - I'm now on a new
hunt: how to use Cake callbacks to support a $columnPrefix field in my
models. Why? I have a legacy database to work with where each table's
columns have a consistent column name prefix (ie, all tables in user
start with usr_) and while Cake easily supports that, I want to use
pretty syntax and clean code. Instead of being littered with usr_login
and usr_first_name and such, I want login and first_name and other
nice clean stuff.

Am I crazy? Is this a silly, fruitless quest? Will converting data
back and forth kill my performance more than using mysql views, no
indexes and all? Is this just worthless, and should I just use my
prefixed columns? I dunno, I dunno. But I'm game to find out. (And if
you have answers for any of those questions ... I'm game to hear
those, too.)

So, my first trick was to parse the results of a find and strip them
out using everyone's best friend afterFind(). Here are the first
generation, brute force results that work on basic models and
associations (haven't tested it very deeply yet):

If you have comments about ways to optimize this, I'm all ears. Beyond
that, here are the other steps as I see them:

* Use the prefixStripper() in afterSave() to convert the data returned
from saves.

* Make beforeFind() and beforeSave() parse all the input parameters,
and convert any non-prefixed column names into prefixed column names.
These I suspect will be the harder ones to code to catch all the
various cases.

Again I ask, is this a waste of time, or is this a useful endeavor?

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