i didnt't realize why the use of views should

a) be not portable and
b) not indexable


nearly every database supports views, so i could't see a problem
there. and the columns listed in a view of course might be indexed in
the underlaying table. the only problem i see is that you might not be
able to insert data into views. in oracle that's possible, but you had
to write an instead of-trigger for each view. don't know if mysql
supports tha. but if you want to create a readonly interface to oyur
database table with cake, i can see no problem in using views.

On 12 Jan., 02:25, Robby Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After deciding mysql views won't work - well, technically they will,
> but its a not good solution - not portable (mysql only), not scalable
> (no indexing) and in general a risky proposition - I'm now on a new
> hunt: how to use Cake callbacks to support a $columnPrefix field in my
> models. Why? I have a legacy database to work with where each table's
> columns have a consistent column name prefix (ie, all tables in user
> start with usr_) and while Cake easily supports that, I want to use
> pretty syntax and clean code. Instead of being littered with usr_login
> and usr_first_name and such, I want login and first_name and other
> nice clean stuff.
> Am I crazy? Is this a silly, fruitless quest? Will converting data
> back and forth kill my performance more than using mysql views, no
> indexes and all? Is this just worthless, and should I just use my
> prefixed columns? I dunno, I dunno. But I'm game to find out. (And if
> you have answers for any of those questions ... I'm game to hear
> those, too.)
> So, my first trick was to parse the results of a find and strip them
> out using everyone's best friend afterFind(). Here are the first
> generation, brute force results that work on basic models and
> associations (haven't tested it very deeply 
> yet):http://bin.cakephp.org/saved/27230
> If you have comments about ways to optimize this, I'm all ears. Beyond
> that, here are the other steps as I see them:
> * Use the prefixStripper() in afterSave() to convert the data returned
> from saves.
> * Make beforeFind() and beforeSave() parse all the input parameters,
> and convert any non-prefixed column names into prefixed column names.
> These I suspect will be the harder ones to code to catch all the
> various cases.
> Again I ask, is this a waste of time, or is this a useful endeavor?

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