Don't you just love these types of responses?

Reading documentation goes a ways in helping your issue with point 1:
Here's the api documentation for $form->end()

I don't get the second question? Helpers are there to help. They bridge a
few gaps between controllers and views. Hey, if you're comfortable writing
out all your input boxes and loading all your values manually, go right
ahead... Hey, if you don't like something in CakePHP, don't use it. I hate
Prototype, so I stay away from the Ajax helper. Some things are put into
place for, what is perceived to be, the greater good of the majority.

Encompass your forms and helpers in elements, that should keep pesky
designers from screwing things up too much. But, be real, they need to have
some knowledge of what's going on. A designer needs to know what templating
system he's working with. I bet you all them go learn smarty right?

And finally, judging productivity by keystrokes? Cool, if you're doing data
entry or something, that makes sense....Again, as Chris said, this is a very
isolated incident and your don't have all the facts behind it. If that's
you're mentality let's talking about how many times
$this->Model->find('all') replaces tons of other code. Come on now, let's
stop being ridiculous for a minute.

Reading the manual is the nature of learning something new. I suggest you
don't go presenting something like CakePHP to your boss if you're not slight
efficient in it.

And finally...if you don't like it, don't use it...the framework is flexible
enough with respect to this (IMO). Or shoot, just don't use it period.
Compared to some other frameworks I've seen, CakePHP does "enforce" a
greater number of conventions (not restrictions) on certain things. But as I
said, this is usually for the greater good.
Baz L
Web Development 2.0

/**00217  * Closes an HTML form, cleans up values set by
FormHelper::create(), and writes hidden00218  * input fields where
appropriate.00219  *00220  * If $options is set a form submit button
will be created.00221  *00222  * @param mixed $options as a string
will use $options as the value of button,00223  *  array usage:00224
*      array('label' => 'save'); value="save"00225  *
array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever'); value="save"
name="Whatever"00226  *      array('name' => 'Whatever');
value="Submit" name="Whatever"00227  *      array('label' => 'save',
'name' => 'Whatever', 'div' => 'good') <div class="good"> value="save"
name="Whatever"00228  *      array('label' => 'save', 'name' =>
'Whatever', 'div' => array('class' => 'good')); <div class="good">
value="save" name="Whatever"00229  *00230  * @return string a closing
FORM tag optional submit button.00231  * @access public00232  */00233
    function end
= null) {

>From the above, you can see that it does a whole lot more than  echo
"</form>". You can include submit buttons, and it does cleanup if it's
needed. Eg, if you're using a $form->create on an edit and you didn't
include $form->input(id) (I think)....

On Feb 18, 2008 10:07 AM, leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why is it good to write:
> <?php echo $form->end(); ?>
> instead of:
> </form>
> How do helpers support MVC?
> I can't expect my designer to understand:
> <?php echo $form->create(null, array('url' => '/recipes/add')); ?>
> When I have to refer to the manual everytime I have to write it (or
> debug it). I also have problems convincing my boss that this is a
> quicker way of doing things when the output - in this case - amounts
> to 53% more typing (in the case of the first example, 285% more
> typing).
> L.
> >

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