How much RAM have you allocated to PHP? I have a feeling that Cake was
looping infinitely. If PHP had enough RAM I think it's possible that
the server would just keep going until Apache pooped out (as opposed
to PHP terminating that process with a msg about running out of
allocated memory).

Just a guess.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 6:41 AM, DJ Spark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I had the same issue, and was quite hard to spot.
>   Bake always gave me a 'Parent' relationship name, and when I loaded
>  anything related to that , apache crashed... no log, no debug could
>  find it :)
>   So, watch out, every relation made with parent_id should be double checked:
>  var $hasMany = array(
>    'Parent' => array('className' => 'Person', 'foreignKey' => 'parent_id')
>   );
>  Should be:
>  var $hasMany = array(
>    'ParentPerson' => array('className' => 'Person', 'foreignKey' => 
> 'parent_id')
>   );
>   Spark
>  On Feb 19, 2008 7:16 AM, zeugme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > It solve the problem.
>  >
>  > Thanks a lot.
>  >
>  > CakePHP power !!!
>  >
>  >
>  > grigri wrote:
>  > > Try changing the alias ($hasMany key):
>  > >
>  > > class Person extends AppModel {
>  > >   var $hasMany = array(
>  > >     'SomeOtherAlias' => array('className' => 'Person', 'foreignKey' =>
>  > > 'parent_id')
>  > >   );
>  > > }
>  > >
>  > > On Feb 19, 9:37 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>  > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > >
>  > >> I've implemented several reflexive relations and never had a problem,
>  > >> but then I always kept recursive down. I don't see any other possible
>  > >> cause.
>  > >>
>  > >> On Feb 19, 11:30 am, zeugme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > >>> Hi the list !
>  > >>>
>  > >>> I have a serious issue, a crash, when I try to set up a "zero or more"
>  > >>> relationship from Person to Person.
>  > >>>
>  > >>> My Person table has several column and one called parent_id designed to
>  > >>> contain a Person identifier.
>  > >>>
>  > >>> I did try
>  > >>>
>  > >>>     var $hasMany = array(
>  > >>>         'Person' => array (
>  > >>>         'className' => 'Person',
>  > >>>         'foreignKey' => 'parent_id',
>  > >>> //        'recursive' => '2')
>  > >>>     );
>  > >>>
>  > >>> with or without
>  > >>> * recursive
>  > >>> * the corresponding belongsto
>  > >>>
>  > >>> I also try to change the design for a joint able and 
> $hasAndBelongsToMany
>  > >>> with or without recursive.
>  > >>>
>  > >>> => no way ! I always got a crash from Apache log !
>  > >>>
>  > >>> "child pid 383 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)"
>  > >>>
>  > >>> Even without any data, I got a crash.
>  > >>> I'm scaffolding, this may be important to know.
>  > >>>
>  > >>> I'm now totally lost. Could that be a bug in CakePHP ?
>  > >>>
>  > >>> Are reflexive relationship impossible/forbidden to define in a Model ?
>  > >>>
>  > >>> OK, I could hack that by making this relation on the fly, but I do want
>  > >>> to set that statically in the model, the normal way ...
>  > >>> so I can benefit all that Cake power : scaffolding, bake and quick DB
>  > >>> mapping.
>  > >>>
>  > >>> Thanks for your ideas, help, ...
>  > >>>
>  > > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  >
>  >
>  > >
>  >
>  --
>  [livesets]
>  [web]
>  [filmes]
>  >

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