Just found out that my hint was wrong...


         * Checks if given data is valid
        private function isHtmlFormFileData($data)
                if(!is_array($data)) {
                        return false;

                || !array_key_exists('type',$data)
                || !array_key_exists('tmp_name',$data)
                || !array_key_exists('error',$data)
                || !array_key_exists('size',$data)) {
                        return false;

                return true;

On 13 Jan., 18:06, davidpersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I implemented such a validation method in one of the classes I'm using
> for my project:
> See 
> Source:https://cakeforge.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/trunk/vendors/transf...
> Scroll down to:
>         /**
>          * Checks if given data is valid
>          */
>         private function isHttpPostData($data)
> On 11 Jan., 12:02, Marcin Domanski aka kabturek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hey> Did, i miss something here? I am using 1.2.x (latest beta)
> > Yep ;)
> > did you see the actual Remarks field after posting data? try
> > debug($this->data);die(); if you dont have a debugger.
> > Cake is right by telling you its not empty cause it contains an array
> > of $_FILE['field'] so it is ALWAYS not empty.
> > Use customvalidationto check if ['Remarks']['tmp_name'] is not
> > empty, ['error;[ == 0 , and ['size'] != 0 etc
> > HTH,
> > Marcin Domanski aka kabturekhttp://tumble.kabturek.info/
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