Now I'm no hardcore PHP developer, but based on things I've seen in CakePHP
and from my previous experience with compound primary keys, I can only
imagine how difficult this is to implement *correctly*.

Everyone is bitching like 3 year olds. "CakePHP should support this", well
it doesn't, suck it up. There are many options available to you:

   1. Find something that does - RoR seems to.
   2. Take some time and add it to the framework *correctly* if you think
   it's a trivial change
   3. Stick to normal PHP

I'm sorry, but from the tone of these posts I sense nothing but
ungratefulness. I, for one, will always appreciate the day that I stumbled
onto CakePHP. My Web Development has never been the same.

PS: My views and opinions do NOT reflect those of the CakePHP core team in
any way.
Baz L
Web Development 2.0

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