You can paste some code into bootstrap.php, which then makes your
function available everywhere.  You should never include business/
controller logic into a view; that's just bad practice.

Well, putting code in the bootstrap.php file is also not very MVC-
pattern compliant, but sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do.


On Mar 26, 5:20 pm, CodeHooligans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm having a but of an issue. I have two forms. But are simple and
> submit to discrete backend controllers. Both have their own set of
> views (add, edit, index). Each submit into respective tables in the
> database. I'm running cake (The current stable release).
> So here is my issue. I'm try to just include a common function that is
> used in each of the index.thtml files. I've tried a traditional PHP
> include. Placed the php file under the site root and tried including
> the path and filename. Something I would do under a normal PHP
> environment.
> The included file will load without issues. Meaning if I use require()
> no error is reported. The problem is the function that is inside the
> included file is not loaded.
> I've read through the other message and have tried the app/vendors and
> calling the include file via vendor('filename'); without much luck.
> What am I missing here? The function runs fine when I place it
> directly into the index.thtml files(s). My problem is I really don't
> want to have this in 2 different places. It's the same code. Also I
> would put this in the controller but again it would need to be in both
> controllers. Does not seem efficient to me.
> P-
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