Adam's proposition makes sense (inasmuch as I'm new to MVC and
CakePHP, so I'll defer to other's wisdom).

I was just wondering if there was a drawback to the idea I suggested,
since it seems to work also.  Again, I'm new to all this so there
might be something I'm not aware of that would cause my one-line hack
to break things.

Thanks again!

- Colin

On Apr 1, 3:18 pm, "Dardo Sordi Bogado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He proposition was:
> 1. Make a ListModel model (that uses the lists table)
> 2. In the ListsController (aka url /lists/) get a reference of
> ListModel in $this->List, this is made in beforeFilter before any
> controller action.
> 3. Make the ListsController use (var $uses = array('ListModel'); ) the
> model ListModel as it was called List.
> 4. Everyone is happy.
> btw, nice trick Colin!
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Colin Viebrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Thanks Adam!
> >  I'm new to CakePHP (and MVC in general), but I did a bit of digging in
> >  the manual and I'm thinking maybe this is possible with routing?
> >  Basically, name the model "Xlist" or something, then change the
> >  routing configuration to add:
> >  Router::connect(
> >     '/lists/*',
> >     array('controller' => 'xlists')
> >  );
> >  Do you think that would work?
> >  - Colin

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