I've been looking for the very same thing from last few hrs..
Changeset 6189 (https://trac.cakephp.org/changeset/6189) suggests that
JS and CSS support is added, but I cant seem to even access css/js
files inside my plugin directory.

What folder am I supposed to keep inside my plugin folder? webroot or

On Apr 10, 1:53 am, MYRZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After some time reusing and perfecting some code for cakephp, i think
> it's time to put all the reusable stuff in aplugin.
> But,
> In the manual (which I realize is not up to date any more for 1.2), i
> found that the controllers, models and views folders could be placed
> in such aplugin, but not thewebrootfolder. Now, for my code, lots
> of images (I just love those <a href="http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/
> icons/silk/">Silk Icons</a>), lots of javascript and some css is
> essential. And if i should place those in the app/webrootevery time i
> reuse it, the whole 'plugin' idea wouldn't make much sence now would
> it?
> (Again:) But..
> After some searching, i saw that the amazing CakePHP developers had
> reconized this in <a href="http://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/1897";>ticket
> 1897</a>, which is fixed with <a href="http://trac.cakephp.org/
> changeset/6189">revision 6178</a>.
> Rock 'n roll!
> But somehow i feel would be too obious to just copy thewebrootfolder
> into theplugin. I can seem to find somebody tried it in the cakephp
> blogosphere...
> So anybody knows a bit more about this down here?
> If i could fix this, it would feel like being in Nerdvana...
> Thanx in advance!
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