Thank you for your time, but is there no easier way?

I think(?) that the solution you are describing would require me to
make both a model and a controller for each static page.

I tried what you describe, but then for each static page I would need
an *empty* controller and a an *empty* model (pointing to an empty
database table...).

The pages I am talking about does not require a controller or model,
they just need a variable or method for calling the right layout.

I am currently trying to to put the page_controller.php (from Cake/
lib/...) into my app/controller/.. instead, that way I can modify it,
but there simply have to be a simpler way?

I am sure that I am n00bing this one - but I really want to learn
cake, since I can see a huge potential for speedy-development - once I
understand it that is =)

Kind regards


On Apr 17, 3:08 am, aranworld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is where you can get this kind of 
> answer:
> Create two layout templates and put them in the views/layouts
> directory.  Lets say:
> default.ctp
> plain_jane.ctp
> Now in your controller action function, add the following:
> $this->layout = 'default';
> or
> $this->layout = 'plain_jane';
> And either default or plain_jane will be used.
> On Apr 16, 11:48 am, kaffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am new to cake, but I have run into an annoying issue (I have spend
> > a few days reading, searching google, reading the IBM turs
> > etc).
> > Heres the deal I have two problems:
> > I am building a site that has some pages with database content that
> > would require models and controllers; but I am also having several
> > pages that are static - needless to say they go in: app/views/pages/
> > For instance: about.thtml, faq.thtml - these pages does IMHO not need
> > to go to the database, its only a few Kb of data and I like just doing
> > them as plain html.
> > We can imagine having one layout for a page with many pictures and
> > another for a faq that is mostly plain text and just one long column?
> > Issue:
> > How do I load different app/views/layouts/ via app/views/pages/? it
> > seems that some stuff has already rendered by the time we get to the
> > app/views/pages/ content ... is there a workaround or proper way of
> > doing it?
> > Also, we can imagine that one type of page would require the inclusion
> > of a 60 kb Javascript in the layout whereas another page does not need
> > to include this...
> > e.g.
> > <head>
> > <title><?php echo $title_for_layout?></title>
> > <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
> > <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/mootoolscomp.js"></script>
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >       window.addEvent('domready', function() {
> >         var Tip = new Tips($$('.Tip'));
> >         var sliders = $$(".slide");
> >                 var triggers = $$(".slide_trigger") ;
> >                     triggers.each(function( o, x ){
> >                                 var sl = new Fx.Slide( sliders[x], { } );
> >                                 $(triggers[x]).addEvent('click',function(e){
> >                                 e = new Event(e);
> >                                 sl.toggle();
> >                                 e.stop();
> >                         })
> >                 sl.hide();
> >                         });
> >       });
> > </script>
> > <?php echo $html->css('main'); ?>
> > </head><body>
> > /// versus a non js enabled page being only ///:
> > <head>
> > <title><?php echo $title_for_layout?></title>
> > <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
> > <?php echo $html->css('main'); ?>
> > </head><body>
> > <div id="site">
> > -----------
> > I am new to this so it might seem trivial, but I would really
> > appreciate some help as I am going nuts... ;-)

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