Chris Hartjes wrote:
> D'oh -- that stuff I posted is Cake 1.2 specific.
> I don't use Cake 1.1 at all, so can't help you there.

Ok Chris but you gave me a hint. So searching in the core code
(session.php) I saw three points where Session.checkAgent is
present. The only way I found (puttin some debug messages) for setting
this parameter was putting the Configure::write inside the
bootstrap.php, cause inside the core.php it seems to be ignored, or
maybe the core.php is read after the session.php; I've not got deeper
the question.

I've also tried to put it to false editing the core libs/configure.php
the only Session.checkAgent (line 340) but it seems to be ignored or
to be not enough for the problem.

Finally, I've solved, after restoring the old situation, making the
CAKE_SECURITY=medium in the app core.php (it was "high" before). Now
everything is working out right.

Thanks a lot

Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
                                            William Shatner

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