For anybody who's following this thread, or had the same problem, or
dived in during a google:

This seems like a bug mentioned at
After adding a unset($newValues) as the ticket mentions the problem
goes away.

Thanks all!

On May 8, 5:08 pm, largon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I added some logging just to make sure the relationships are unbound:
>             $this->User->unbindAll(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' =>
> array('HasAsFriend')));
>             $this->log("current habtm: " . print_r($this->User-
> >hasAndBelongsToMany, true));
> The error log reads:
> 2008-05-08 17:03:49 Error: current habtm: Array
> (
>     [HasAsFriend] => Array
>         (
>             [className] => User
>             [joinTable] => friends
>             [foreignKey] => user_id
>             [associationForeignKey] => friend_id
>             [uniq] =>
>             [conditions] =>
>             [with] => Friend
>             [fields] =>
>             [order] =>
>             [limit] =>
>             [offset] =>
>             [unique] => 1
>             [finderQuery] =>
>             [deleteQuery] =>
>             [insertQuery] =>
>         )
> )
> Which indicates that those relationships are unbound successfully.
> But the habtmAdd still inserts into other tables:
> $this->User->habtmAdd('HasAsFriend', 1, 3);
> will result with SQL queries:
> 28      INSERT INTO `friends` (`user_id`,`friend_id`) VALUES (1,3)
> 29      SELECT `Friend`.`id` FROM `friends` AS `Friend` WHERE `friend_id` =
> 1
> 30      INSERT INTO `friends` (`friend_id`,`user_id`) VALUES (1,3)
> 31      SELECT `Family`.`id` FROM `families` AS `Family` WHERE `user_id` =
> 1
> 32      INSERT INTO `families` (`user_id`,`family_id`) VALUES (1,3)
> 33      SELECT `Family`.`id` FROM `families` AS `Family` WHERE `family_id`
> = 1
> 34      INSERT INTO `families` (`family_id`,`user_id`) VALUES (1,3)
> 35      SELECT `Block`.`id` FROM `blocks` AS `Block` WHERE `user_id` = 1
> 36      INSERT INTO `blocks` (`user_id`,`block_id`) VALUES (1,3)
> This is wierd. Is this a bug in cake or is it my misconfiguration in
> User model?
> On 5月8日, 下午4時41分, largon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I comment out other habtm relationships, leaving only
> >         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> >                 'HasAsFriend' => array(
> >                     'className' => 'User',
> >                     'joinTable' => 'friends',
> >                     'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
> >                     'associationForeignKey' => 'friend_id',
> >                     'uniq' => false,
> >                     'conditions' => '',
> >                 ),
> >         );
> > in my User model, then the save() will go flawlessly.
> > However, if I leave those relationships in User model, then the data
> > is inserted into
> > other tables even if I manually unbindModel() them before calling
> > $this->User->save().
> > I'm confused. Is there anyone who knows why this is happening? Or
> > maybe I should
> > just use a $this->User->query() to do the saving job and insert the
> > data in the right table? :(
> > On 5月8日, 上午6時13分, largon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm on a project that users can add other users as friends, families,
> > > or block them.
> > > So I've set up some habtm behaviors for that. The tables (friends,
> > > families, blocks) look
> > > very similar, all with (user_id, friend_id) or (user_id, family_id) as
> > > keys.
> > > But when I save a data, like calling:
> > > $this->data['User']['id'] = 1;
> > > $this->data['HasAsFriend']['HasAsFriend'] = 2;
> > > $this->User->save($this->data);
> > > I'll have not only user1 adding user2 as friend, but also user2 adding
> > > user1 as friend.
> > > What's more, they're each other's families and user1 is blocking user2
> > > too.
> > > (The data got inserted into families table and blocks table too.)
> > > I posted my user model relationships 
> > > at
> > > I also tried the behavior 
> > > at
> > > ,
> > > but with the code:
> > > $this->User->habtmAdd('HasAsFriend', 1, 2);
> > > Also results the same as inserting into families table and blocks
> > > table.
> > > I'm troubled, I'm not sure why this is happening. Any clues is greatly
> > > appreciated.
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