Seriously, why does everybody in the CakePHP community got their
finger on the trigger to just rip any person that has a question a new

I mean, I have seen some pretty stupid questions in my time, and the
ones here are nowhere near as bad as the ones that I've seen
elsewhere. The thing that makes it different here, is that as soon as
those 'stupid' questions come in, the person asking the question gets
treated like shit for 5-10 posts until their question is answered (if
at all).

So what if you created CakePHP, so what if you've used it for the
entirety of it's life, some people haven't, and those people have
perfectly valid questions for the simple fact that the documentation
for CakePHP is horrendous and any documentation that is out there, is
spread so thin on the internet that looking for an answer is like
trying to find the proverbial needle.

I've seen people get called names (seriously, are we in 4th grade?),
been told to look things up themselves, been harped on to no end, and
all without the courtesy of a decent answer.

I feel that if someone comes to the group with a question, EVEN IF
IT'S BEEN ASKED BEFORE, it deserves an answer, or at least a _polite_
point in the direction of the answer (in the form of a link to the
post, or the page with the answer, NOT a begrudged 'Google It,

If you can't answer the question in a polite and decent manner, don't
answer the question.  Let somebody else who has far better people
skills answer it.  That way, the person asking the question will feel
like they are important to the community.  Because nothing kills a
project faster than a shitty community, no matter what the project is.

So get your head out of your 'Holier than thou' asses and lighten up.
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