I do find it interesting to compare Cake responses with, say, the
JQuery group- where someone titles their post "it's not working" and
still get loads of polite and helpful responses!

I think that although the cook book is defnitely filling the gap in
the documentation, the long period where Cake documentation was
lacking is the root of the current situation, as it put a lot of
stress on the developers to contribute to this group.This group was
for a long time the most useful resource for Cake info.

Learning Cake, especially 1.2, was not easy for a long time, and once
you've had to learn everything the hard way, you're less inclined to
help people who want a free ride!

I think that once the cook book becomes more of a known "one stop
shop" for cake info (especially with some more tutorials as opposed to
just manual style content)  then people wil be less likely to post
dumb questions, and when they do, people will be a lot more inclined
to give friendly, useful  answers!

Plug: I wrote a similar blog post to the one above about the best ways
to reply to these kinds of posts (http://www.acumendevelopment.net/

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