That error states you are trying to call a method on an object that
doesn't exist and you are trying to reference "Property" which doesn't
exist in your app_controller.php.

So it appears your includes aren't setup right, or you are missing
content in your app_controller.php.


On May 16, 6:28 am, Atomic Guava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me?
> I've had this issue with CakePHP 1.2 and putting it onto a 'live' or
> 'staging' server.
> On my Dev server, which runs PHP 5.2.5, everything is just great. My
> staging server runs PHP 5.2.2.
> I've set things up in the following way on my staging server:
> /root
> /---cake_1.2
> /---public_html
> ---------/app_name
> ------------------/cake files and folders e.g. webroot
> My Cake app is set up to include the cake_1.2/cake folder and all the
> required libraries and classes.
> When I visit the site in a browser, it clearly works because it
> doesn't grumble about not finding core Cake files, but it produces an
> error like the following:
> Notice (8): Undefined property:  AppController::$Property [APP/
> app_controller.php, line 94]
> Fatal error: Call to a member function getInfo() on a non-object in /
> home/domain/public_html/app_name/app_controller.php on line 94
> (I've just modified the fatal error above to give you a path which
> relates to the diagram above)
> Just to explain, the getInfo() function is a custom method inside one
> of my Models. Again, this works great locally.
> Upon someone's advice, I emptied the app_name/tmp folder which cleared
> a previous issue where paths had been cached.
> Lastly, all the files were uploaded from my local server via FTP.
> CakePHP and the project were baked on my local server originally.
> Any ideas would be brilliant!
> Thanks in advance,
> Rich
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