i've done some tests and a simple one is in core.php :

        Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File',
realpath(dirname(__FILE__) .DS.'..'.DS.'tmp'.DS.'cache'.DS.'fr'.DS)

and when i look into my /home/foxmask/www/tmp/cache/fr/ directory (in
views/persistent/models) everything is still empty.

here it's clearly a bug...

On 17 mai, 01:06, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess Config::language is available in beforeFiler, but not before.
> I never tried to override the Cache::config('default"...) in
> beforeFilter, but I do not see any reason this would not work..
> However, I am not sure if in case of a cached view,
> app_controller:beforeFilter is even reached...
> On May 17, 12:45 am, foxmask <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > i would like to avoid to change something inside cakephp .
> > i tried in the core.php file :
> > Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File','path'=>
> > dirname(__FILE__) 
> > .DS.'..'.DS.'tmp'.DS.'cache'.Configure::read('Config.language')));
> > but unfortunatly, Config.language is not set yet at this moment.
> > in app_controller.php in beforeRender Config.language is available
> > but i dont know if it's the right place to modify the
> > Cache::config('default'.....)
> > So, I really dont understand how a so simple thing cant work
> > Anyone get an idea ?
> > On 16 mai, 09:42, Filip Camerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've had the exact same problem: the cache prefix that you can specify
> > > in the core config is not used for cached views - which is a major bug
> > > imo. I solved it by hacking the core in the places where it reads/
> > > writes cached views, since I absolutely needed this functionality.
> > > I've described how to do it in the second message of this 
> > > thread:http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/62b4d61b...
> > > hth
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