I use piston for my vendor branching needs, really works perfectly.

On Jun 6, 8:25 am, "David Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, of course, deleting them in the Finder shouldn't be too hard. I
> was too fixated on the CLI. I'll try it when I get home.
> On 6/6/08, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was about to reply with something glib - since all you want to do is
> > list all files in the folder (recursively), select them and delete
> > (trivial with Windows Explorer).  However I had a chat with one of our
> > Mac guys here, and we couldn't figure it out in Finder / Spotlight.
> > How do you list "all files" in spotlight?
> > Similarly, the next step requires you copy (or export) into this
> > skeleton folder structure, so you can re-commit.  However, on a Mac it
> > will not insert these files into the tree - it'll delete the existing
> > tree and replace it completely.  Again, coming from Windows this is
> > very surprising, and annoying behaviour.
> > I'm a bit short of time to experiment, as I'm sure you'd be able to
> > use the command line "del" in a similar manner (delete all files,
> > leave all folders).  And of course you can use the tar/untar method to
> > insert files into a tree.  But I agree, on a Mac this method is far
> > more tedious than it needs to be.
> > On Jun 5, 6:17 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> HiGrant,
> >> I read the SVN book vendor branching article in the meantime and agree
> >> with your points.
> >> Quite a lot of dilemmas that can pop up.
> >> What I'm still not sure about is how to best update the /vendors/
> >> current directory. Your article only covers the Windows del command.
> >> Are there equivalent flags for UNIX' rm to remove all files throughout
> >> a directory tree, excluding .svn dirs? I guess I could come up with a
> >> script for that, but my shell foo is just limited enough to repeatedly
> >> shoot myself in the foot before getting it right. Maybe. ;o)
> >> I guess I'd still have to use a Merge utility for that.
> >> Is anybody using the svn_load_dirs.pl script?
> >> On 5 Jun 2008, at 16:52,GrantCoxwrote:
> >> > Yes, with vendor branching you basically create a diff of the changes
> >> > to the CakePHP core, then apply that to your own copy.  Do you have a
> >> > File/Folder merge utility that can do this - compare between the
> >> > original core, the new core, and your application core?  Because just
> >> > comparing between the new core and your application core will not make
> >> > your own changes obvious - if you have made any changes to the core
> >> > (what about /app/config/core.php, or /app/webroot/index.php ?).
> >> > Using vendor branching, I can update the cake core in my application
> >> > within 60 seconds (SVN update to newest core, replace into my own
> >> > repository, commit my own repository, perform merge on application).
> >> > And my core changes (of which I have about a dozen, generally
> >> > associated to outstanding enhancement tickets), are safe - I only have
> >> > to look at conflicts if there are any.
> >> > Without vendor branching, I imagine you have to view a list of every
> >> > single changed file (usually many dozens, probably hundreds for your
> >> > RC1 update), and decide for yourself how these are merged.  Sure, if
> >> > you are 100% sure you have no changes of your own you can just replace
> >> > across - but then why use a merge tool at all and not just overwrite
> >> > the files?  Otherwise you'd have to examine every change in every file
> >> > to decide which are merged - sounds fairly tedious.
> >> > Unless you do have an app that can do a three-way merge - basically
> >> > making the diff of the core and previewing the merge onto your
> >> > application?  Because that would be very neat.
> >> > On Jun 5, 2:38 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hmm, that strategy still seems pretty messy and manual.
> >> >> Basically to summarize, you're still manually merging/replacing the
> >> >> cake folder in a sandbox directory , and then apply the resulting
> >> >> Diff
> >> >> to your actual working copy? Doesn't seem a whole lot better than
> >> >> going through your working copy with a decent File/Folder Merger
> >> >> utility.
> >> >> I might give it a shot once next time, not sure if I'll stick with it
> >> >> though.
> >> >> And unfortunately WinMerge won't work for me, I'm on a Mac. :o)
> >> >> On 5 Jun 2008, at 12:46,GrantCoxwrote:
> >> >>> I use Subversion vendor branching
> >> >>> (http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/vendor-branching
> >> >>> ) to maintain all third party code, as you really need something
> >> >>> that
> >> >>> can compare three targets.
> >> >>> But if you do want to do it manually, WinMerge works well for me on
> >> >>> Windows, using the "CVS/SVN Loose" filter and with "include
> >> >>> subfolders" ticked.  But this is quite tedious for something as
> >> >>> large
> >> >>> as the Cake core, and you still have to manage adds/deletes
> >> >>> manually.
> >> >>> And of course it won't understand your own modifications, if you
> >> >>> have
> >> >>> any.
> >> >>> If you're already using Subversion for your own application, just
> >> >>> spend the 30 minutes trying out vendor branching, it really is the
> >> >>> best way.
> >> >>> On Jun 5, 1:43 pm, ullumski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >>>> If you haven't tried "filemerge" yet, i'd suggest you give it a
> >> >>>> try.
> >> >>>> It comes with the OSX- Developer Tools, is free and really does the
> >> >>>> trick for me all the time.
> >> >>>> Cheers,
> >> >>>> Ullumski
> >> >>>> David Christopher Zentgraf wrote:
> >> >>>>> Hi,
> >> >>>>> With the release of RC1 (Cheers!), I'll use the opportunity to ask
> >> >>>>> the
> >> >>>>> list what you use to update your Cake builds.
> >> >>>>> What's the best tool for you to merge directory structures?
> >> >>>>> Something
> >> >>>>> like Diff for whole trees.
> >> >>>>> I tried several tools on the Mac, but none have really worked all
> >> >>>>> that
> >> >>>>> well for me.
> >> >>>>> Actually, the trick that worked best for me is to (ab)use tar, but
> >> >>>>> I'd
> >> >>>>> like something with more control.
> >> >>>>> (http://macdiggs.com/index.php/2007/12/27/merge-two-folders-on-mac-usi
> >> >>>>> ...
> >> >>>>> )
> >> >>>>> What are you guys using?
> >> >>>>> Chrs,
> >> >>>>> Dav

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