So, we all love the simplicity and magic that Cake gives us.  It's
wonderful that we've even been able to deliver these things with
relative consistency and transparency across both major versions (and
many minor versions) of PHP.  It's these things that make Cake what it
is.  In order to get these things to work the way they do, we've had
to pull quite a few tricks and it wasn't all very easy.

As we all know, the next major version of CakePHP will only have to
worry about supporting one PHP version.  This is going to open up new
worlds of possibility for streamlining your code and development
processes, and creating simple, pretty syntax constructs.

We're currently in the exploratory phases of figuring out what some of
the API constructs for Cake 2.0 might look like, and have come to
somewhat of an empasse in several key areas.  In these areas (and
undoubtedly other similar ones down the road) taking advantage of
certain functionality that would help us keep Cake simple while taking
advantage of more advanced object oriented features means breaking
strict mode compatibility.

Now, rather than give specifics and turn this into a discussion about
semantics, I've decided to pose this as a general question, which we
can use as a guideline moving forward: assuming we follow the "spirit
of the law" in all other areas (i.e. using proper visibility modifiers
in classes, cleaning up object handling to comply with PHP5, etc.),
would you consider it acceptable to break strict mode in a few key
(forward-compatible) areas if it meant significantly simplifying code
and/or eliminating extra work you would otherwise have to do?  As a
"feature", how important is absolute compliance with strict-mode

We may at some point set up a polling system and put the issue to an
actual vote, but for now, we're just looking for opinions one way or
the other, so let us know what you think.

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