I noticed this problem after upgrading from beta to RC1

My captcha check did not work after upgrading.
I am using this captcha http://captcha.ru/en/kcaptcha/ in the vendors
The render method for the image does this:
  $this->controller->Session->write('captcha', $kcaptcha-

In the controller action (user registration) the value entered by the
user is checked against the value in the session:
  if ($this->data['User']['captchaCode'] != $_SESSION['captcha']) {

In the beta version of CakePHP,  this works fine.

In the RC version, $_SESSION['captcha'] is not set.

This is a clear and reproducable difference between the 2 Cakephp
Any suggestions where to look next?

-- Mike

On Jun 6, 12:09 am, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I have noticed is, in case of Debug > 0, if you have error in
> your code that generates warning or error before you render the view,
> usually you loose yoursession. Basically you can make an error in
> view, you will be ok, in model or controller yoursessionis lost.
> Maybe I am wrong, and this was base to the 1.2 branch few weeks ago. I
> will make some more tests.
> As Chris said, I am using checkAgent => false, and security.Level to
> medium.
> hth
> On Jun 5, 9:36 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > But, the question is, why does it happen sometimes (randomly) and not
> > > other times.  I
> > > know exactly what the others are going through, because it is
> > > happening
> > > on my site too. I can do the exact same steps that killed mysession,
> > > and it will
> > > work.  If it was a coding error, then it would be reproducible by
> > > doing the exact
> > > same thing that caused it to fail the first time.
> > When things happen randomly, there are usually two possible problems:
> > 1) the framework is wrong
> > 2) your own code is wrong
> > While I will concede that from time to time, the framework is wrong,
> > more often than not it is your own code that is wrong.  This is not
> > meant as a slight, this is simply reality.  I write shitty code all
> > the time and when the app goes kablooey it is my fault, not the
> > framework.
> > None of the people who complained in the thread about having problems
> > bothered to provide code samples, so who the hell knows what the
> > problem really is.  Show us a sample inhttp://bin.cakephp.orgofyour
> > code that is not working properly and that might point these people in
> > the right direction.
> > --
> > Chris Hartjes
> > Internet Loudmouth
> > Motto for 2008: "Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes..."
> > @TheKeyBoard:http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard
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