Try something like this in your view:

<?php $paginator->options = array('url'=>'../catalogue/'.$seourl)?>


On 15 Giu, 21:08, Petr Vytlačil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi pleas can you help me? I have this function (return all entries for
> Journal):
> function entriesjournal($seourl = null) {
>                 if (!$seourl) {
>                         $this->flash(__('Invalid Journal', true),
> array('action'=>'index'));
>                 }
>                 $this->Entry->recursive = 0;
>                 $conditions = array('Journal.seourl' => $seourl);
>                 $paginationParameters = array();
>                 $paginationParameters['controller'] = 'entries';
>                 $paginationParameters['action'] = $this->action;
>                 $this->paginate['Entry'] = array(
>                 'limit' => 2,
>                 'order' => array ('Entry.datepublic' => 'desc'),
>                 'url' => array ('url' => $paginationParameters)
>                 );
>                 $records = $this->paginate('Entry', $conditions);
>                 //$this->Journal->findBySeourl($seourl)
>                 $this->set('journal', $records);
>         }
> I call this function with this 
> link:
> Router setting:         Router::connect('/cataloge/*', array('controller' =>
> 'entries', 'action' => 'entriesjournal'));
> In View i use for show paging:
> <div class="paging">
>         <?php echo $paginator->prev('<< '.__('previous', true), array(),
> null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
>  |      <?php echo $paginator->numbers();?>
>         <?php echo $paginator->next(__('next', true).' >>', array(), null,
> array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
> </div>
> This generate this url:,
> but it isnt go i need for router 
> url:
> because a need parametr $seourl for function entriesjournal.
> I dont know how i can setting format url for paginator or if must set
> router to.
> THX sorry my English isnt very good.
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