I have installed Cake onto a shared hosting environment.  The host is
setup to have my home directory as
/home/companyname.  In this directory there is a symlink website -> /

I installed cake into a directory called cake.  When trying to run
cake, I get nothing - eventually a timeout.  No errors in apache or
cake log - simply a browser waiting and eventually timing out.

PHP seems to be working ok as is mod_rewrite: I can put a info.php
file in ~/website/cake/app/webroot/info.php
and see the output with either www.company.com/cake/info.php or

My suspcicion is that this has to do with the symlink.  Running php
info has the SCRIPT_FILENAME as /mnt/webhosting/company/cake/app/
webroot/info.php, while the rest of the path related variables show /

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