That's a really good idea, but I have never done this. Can you tell me
a bit more about the "{ move:[4, 1], to: [4, 3] } "? How do I use it?

On Jun 22, 3:58 am, "Dardo Sordi Bogado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why don't you poll for coordinates in JSON and update the board with 
> javascript?
> ie: advance the fifth pawn two positions:
> { move:[4, 1], to: [4, 3] }
>      0     1     2
>   +---+-----+----
> 0 |___|___|___
> 1 |     |      |
> 2
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 9:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I made a chess game using Ajax. It updates the table every 5 seconds.
> > The problem is that the HTML code for the table is huge and causes a
> > lot of bandwidth. Now I am thinking of a new method: polling server
> > for new moves in the game and update only if a move was done. But I
> > can't imagine any easy way for doing this.
> > What I want to do is: poll the server every 5 seconds and update
> > contents of a div tag only if any move has been done. Any help will be
> > appreciated.
> > Thanks in advance!
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