This is my first time using cake and I'm starting out with trying to
make a simple user system (no acl, yet). I'm developing on windows
(wamp, apache 2.2.8, php 5.2.5, mysql 5.0.51a) using firefox, ie7 and
safari on windows, cake_1.2.0.7296-rc2. The install went smoothly and
the homepage said everything was running.

I've tried security on high, medium and low; cake and php sessions,
all with same results:
- firefox and ie7 create 5 sessions when accessing / and 4 when
accessing users/login directly after logging in
- after logging in, redirected back to login
- flash messages only show not authorized message

safari works, creates only one session, redirects properly

class AppController extends Controller {

        var $components = array('Auth');

        function beforeFilter() {
                $this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login');
                $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'display', 'home');
                $this->Auth->authorize = array('model' => 'User');
                $this->Auth->autoRedirect = true;


class UsersController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Users';

        function login() {


        function logout() {


class User extends AppModel {

        var $name = 'User';

        function isAuthorized($user, $controller, $action) {
                return true;


I've searching this group and other resources for a day and half,
tried multiple combinations of things, looked for whitespace. I'm
familiar with php but new to cake. Thank you for your help.


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