First let me thank you for the great framework and the people helping!
I have a problem and do not really know the reason so i'll give as
much information as possible.
I have an app running on a server whos apache conf i cannot access.
The hole cake stuff lies in an subfolder named 'verwaltung' (which is
the german word for administration). So i have www.mydomain.de/verwaltung/
as main adress for the app and in that folder the 'cake' and 'app'
folder. Things are going fine till here. I can call my actions like
this: www.mydomain.de/verwaltung/controller/action and everything is
fine. For images and stuff i need to reference folders (same for
controllers and actions) as /verwaltung/controller/action resp. /
verwaltung/img/image.png so i have to add the /verwaltung/ at the
beginning of every path. This does not work if i give controller and
actions (for example in a redirect) as an array like this:
array('controller'=>'User','action'=>'login')  because cake doesnt add
the /verwaltung/ in front of it, so i end up with sth like
www.mydomain.de/verwaltung/user/login/user/login or specificly in my
standard auth login action i end up in an infinite loop that  leads me
deeper and deeper to 
... ... ...

As I am not sure if this is an mod_rewrite problem or a cake
configuration prob, here my .htaccess files:

RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase    /verwaltung/
RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase    /verwaltung/app/
RewriteRule    ^$ webroot/    [L]
RewriteRule    (.*) webroot/$1 [L]

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

I didnt change the index.php paths at all, so they should be default
This is the login stuff:
If I send the login data as post submit, the controller doesnt get the
data ($this->data['User'] empty) or I end up in my beloved infinite

I also experience problems with the flash method.
$this->flash('Ă„nderungen gespeichert.', '/verwaltung/patienten/edit/'.
flashes the text as wanted, redirects me back to the site as wanted,
but shows the flash message there once again till it redirects me to
the page once again and shows without the flash message.

I have the "feeling" ;-) that it has all todo with wrong paths. So
could please someone have a look at the data i posted and tell me what
i am doing wrong?

Thank you very very much in advance for any help. This is frustrating
me and i need the auth component to work :)


PS: I send an similar post two hours ago but it didnt show up in the
group, so if somehow i make double posts, pls excuse

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