
First to say: I use cakephp for my first larger project and in many
situations it helped me to save a lot of time. Thanks to the team and
everyone helping here!

But as usual, there are some things that are blocking progress, and I
hope you can help me.

I set up my application on a webhost that I dont have much rights on
(cant access apache conf, no ssh, ...) but everything seemed to work
fine. Even mod_rewrite seemed to work (meaning the controller actions
are all accessible like http://www.myadress.com/controller/action/ ).
Now I had to put everything in a subdir on the server. So my new
adresses look like http://www.myadress.com/verwaltung/controller/action/
('verwaltung' is the german word for administration, and is the
subfolder i moved all my files into). I played around with
the .htaccess files a bit and came up with the following configuration

RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase    /verwaltung/
RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase    /verwaltung/app/
RewriteRule    ^$ webroot/    [L]
RewriteRule    (.*) webroot/$1 [L]

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

My app/webroot/index.php is still the default one. Maybe I have to
change things here? The folder struct is the default one meaning
cakedir is /verwaltung/cake appdir is /verwaltung/app/.

The Problem:
There seem to be problems with the paths in some situations at all,
what I try to solve specificly now is the following problem that might
have the same reason as the path problems.

I try to use the auth component, have a login view, a users
controller, the database table, ... and everything looks good. I used
much of the code from a tutorial and everything makes sense to me. But
when I try to login, the login action doesnt get the POST data from
the form. By the same time sometimes after submitting the form (and
being redirected to the login screen because the action didnt recieve
any data) my adress becomes this:
This all happens when I call the login directly, so i type
www.mysite.de/users/login/. If I try to call any other controller and
action, i should be redirected to the login screen as I set up the
auth comp in app_controller. What happens is that i get into an
infinite loop in the style of 

This is my login code:

I played around with the redirect adresses from setting it as array
'controller="asdf" 'action'="sth" over /verwaltung/users/login/ to /
users/login/ and users/login/ all with no success but infinite loops.

Im really stuck here and appreciate any hints and help for that. Sorry
for the long post, but I tried to put all the necessary information in

Thanks in advance for anyone helping!


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