On Jul 11, 11:07 am, NOSLOW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the second paramter, "PHPBB_Login", should be all lower case
> just to get the file to load. Then when instantiating the class
> "PHPBB_Login", keep the case as it's defined inside the file.
> Based on the examples here:http://book.cakephp.org/view/499/the-app-class,
> it looks that as soon as you introduce capital letters into that
> second parameter, it's expected a Cake "well named" file (i.e.
> "WellNamed" expects "well.named.php"). I'd imagine in your case, it's
> expecting a file named "p.h.p.b.b_.login.php", Keeping it all lower
> case should solve this.
> But then again, if you read 
> here:http://book.cakephp.org/view/411/migrating-from-cakephp-1-1-to-,
> it suggests that the second parameter is just a unique identifier so
> long as you supply the path and file name:
> App::import('vendor', 'aUniqueIdentifier', array('file' =>'path/
> relative/to/vendor/file.php'));
> which is the same as what is not working:
> App::import("Vendor", "PHPBB_Login", array("file"=>"phpbb.php"));
> Have you tried using sub folders for each vendors (a good practice):
> App::import("Vendor", "PHPBB_Login", array("file"=>"phpbb/
> phpbb.php"));
> As far as that parameter being 'aUniqueIdentifier', I have found that
> to be true - you cannot load 2 different files using the same
> identifier:
> App::import('vendor', 'aUniqueIdentifier', array('file' =>'path/
> relative/to/vendor/file_one.php')); // loads file_one.php
> App::import('vendor', 'aUniqueIdentifier', array('file' =>'path/
> relative/to/vendor/file_two.php')); // does NOT load file_two.php
> because Cake thinks it's already loaded based on it using the same
> identifier of the previous call.
> After checking out the unit tests in the Cake core, I found this
> interesting way of loading multiple vendor files:
> App::import('Vendor', array('simpletest'.DS.'unit_tester',
> 'simpletest'.DS.'mock_objects', 'simpletest'.DS.'web_tester'));
> If anyone has some definitive answers on this stuff, let's try to get
> the Cookbook updated.

I recently updated the cookbook section related to App::import()
inclusive of Vendor loading most cases are covered now I think..

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