
first post (...english isnt my first language ;) )

lately i started to build users management part for my new "project"
using acl/roles using example from 

there is some acl managment action that output controller actions /
roles in grid to easier menagament of above (i uses ajax) i have
modified it a bit (view) - but i have some strange isues with this
under Firefox and IE...

Firefox: http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/2607/ffcakehr1.jpg
at this screenshot actions "add" (both controllers) and "adjustperm"
are not visible - they are in html code but i cant see them - even
when i remove css file, i tested this a bit and i found that

<td id="<?php echo $controller.'_'.$action.'_'.$key; ?>">

id generated in this way generates this error, if i modify this to
look like

<td id="<?php echo $controller.$action.$key; ?>">

i can see every actions but ajax wont update this cells

IE: <td id="<?php echo $controller.'_'.$action.'_'.$key; ?>"> - i see
_every_ action but exchange... ajax doesnt update :(

Firefox/IE generates this in my error.log (every time i hit ajax

2008-08-19 08:07:49 Error: <script type="text/javascript">
_elem = $('Roles_cleanupAcl_1'); Element.replace(_elem,
unescape("%3Ctd id=\"Roles_cleanupAcl_1\" class=\"actdanied\">denied
%3Ca href=\"\/test07\/index.php\/roles\/adjustperm\/1\/Roles\/
cleanupAcl\/allow\" id=\"link9470\" onclick=\" event.returnValue =
false; return false;\">allow?%3C\/a>%3Cscript type=\"text\/javascript
\">\r\n\/\/%3C![CDATA[\r\nEvent.observe('link9470', 'click',
function(event) { new Ajax.Updater('updacl','\/test07\/index.php\/roles
\/adjustperm\/1\/Roles\/cleanupAcl\/allow', {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'updacl']}) }, false);\r

he is the complete view/action code:


            function acl() {

                $avoidControllers   = array('Pages');
                $data               = $this->Role->findAll();
                $controllerList     = $this->ControllerList->get();

                // we loop on all action for all roles
                $inidbg =  Configure::read( 'debug');

                Configure::write( 'debug', '0' );

                foreach($controllerList as $controller => $actions) {

                    if(in_array($controller, $avoidControllers)) {


                    foreach($actions as $key => $action) {

                        $controllerList[$controller][$action] = array();
                        foreach($data as $p)
['id']] = $this->Acl->check($p, $controller . '/'. $action, '*');



                Configure::write( 'debug', $inidbg);
                $this->set('actlist', $controllerList);
                $this->set('data', $data);



<div class="x">

        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <th>Controller Action</th>
                <?php foreach($data as $p): ?>
                        <th width="15%"><? echo $p['Role']['name']; ?></th>
                <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php $i = 0; foreach($actlist as $controller => $actions): ?>

                <tr class="<?php echo ($i++ % 2 == 0) ? 'oddrow' : 'evenrow'; 
                        <td class="controller" style="font-weight: bold;"><?php 
$controller; ?></td>

                        <?php foreach($data as $val): ?>

                                <?php echo $ajax->link('Allow all', 
$val['Role']['id'].'/'.$controller.'/all/allow', array('update' =>
'updacl')); ?>
                    <?php echo $ajax->link( 'Deny all', '/roles/adjustperm/'.
$val['Role']['id'].'/'.$controller.'/all/deny', array('update' =>
'updacl')); ?>

                        <?php endforeach; ?>


                <?php foreach($actions as $action => $perm): ?>
                        <tr class="<?php echo ($i++ % 2 == 0) ? 'oddrow' : 
'evenrow'; ?>">
                                <td><?php echo $action; ?></td>

                                <?php foreach($perm as $key => $val): ?>
                                        <td id="<?php echo 
$controller.'_'.$action.'_'.$key; ?>" class="<?
php echo ($val == 1) ? 'actallowed' : 'actdanied'; ?>">
                                        <?php echo ($val == 1) ? 'allowed 
'.$ajax->link('deny?', '/roles/
adjustperm/'.$key.'/'.$controller.'/'.$action.'/deny', array('update'
=> 'updacl')) :
                                          'denied '.$ajax->link('allow?', 
$controller.'/'.$action.'/allow', array('update' => 'updacl')); ?>
                                <?php endforeach; ?>

                <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php endforeach; ?>


<div id="updacl"></div>

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