Please check out my simple job board here:

My problem is with the "Application Pack" documents, the url path to
the file is not complete!

When you click to open a file, this error displays "Error: The
requested address '/uploads/App-Form_010908-202743.doc' was not found
on this server."

In the "application_config.php" file I have this:

// URL path where the uploaded docs can be accessed
define('UPLOADS_URL', '');

In the "view.ctp" file I have this:

<legend>Application Pack</legend>
        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
$html->link('Application Form', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
['application_form_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-
decoration: none')); ?><br />
        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
$html->link('Job Description', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
['job_description_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-
decoration: none')); ?><br />
        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
$html->link('Information', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
['information_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-decoration:
none')); ?>

Can anyone please help?


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