Hi, I have carefully followed the othAuth doc
trying to get it to work, bur when I go to,

I get the following errors..

Warning (512): Method HtmlHelper::input does not exist [CORE\cake\libs
\view\helper.php, line
(512): Method HtmlHelper::tagErrorMsg does
Warning (512): Method HtmlHelper::checkbox does not exist [CORE\cake
\libs\view\helper.php, line 148]

Any ideas..

here is the login.ctp view..

<h1>Log In:</h1>
<form action="<?php echo $html->url('/users/login'); ?>"
<div class="required">
    <label for="user_username">Username</label>
     <?php echo $html->input('User/username', array('id' =>
'user_username', 'size' => '50')) ?>
    <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('User/username', 'Please enter your
username') ?>
<div class="required">
    <label for="user_password">Password</label>
     <?php echo $html->input('User/passwd', array('id' =>
'user_passwd', 'size' => '32', 'type'=>"password")) ?>
    <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('User/passwd', 'Please enter your
password!') ?>

 <?php echo $html->checkbox("User/cookie");?>

<div class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Login" /></div>
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