In this case, you can add filter in models when you  create relation with

If you don't know how to use the query result in view, you can use print_r
function to print the results, then you can know how to use it.
Also , you can reference this page

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Mickael Gentil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Ok, but the conditions are for the select and not for filtering datas wich
> is the result from this select, no ?
> And on my view what name for my select i can use ?
> Because $this->ProgramBroadcaster->Program->ProgramFile->ProgramState is a
> very deeper relationship.
> Thanks.
> Yudao.
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 4:19 AM, glenda guo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> $this->set('programStateList', $this->ProgramBroadcaster->
>> Program->ProgramFile->ProgramState->find('list'));
>> You can add condition  in it.
>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 10:43 PM, Mickael Gentil <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I need some help with a problem.
>>> This is my controller :
>>> <?php
>>> class ProgramBroadcastersController extends AppController {
>>>     var $name = 'ProgramBroadcasters';
>>>     var $components = array('Filter');
>>>     var $paginate = array(
>>>                'limit'=>20,
>>>                'page'=>1,
>>>                'order'=>'ProgramBroadcaster.created DESC',
>>> 'fields'=>array('id','broadcaster_id','program_id','play_date','delivery_date','case_number','video_tape_number'),
>>>                'contain'=>array(
>>>                    'Broadcaster'=>array('fields'=>array('id','name')),
>>>                    'Program'=>array(
>>>                            'ProgramFile'=>array(
>>> 'fields'=>array('id','program_id','program_state_id'),
>>>                            'ProgramState',
>>> 'User'=>array('fields'=>array('lastname','firstname'))
>>>                         )
>>>                     )
>>>                )
>>>     );
>>>     public function index()
>>>     {
>>>         $this->set('broadcasterList',
>>> $this->ProgramBroadcaster->Broadcaster->find('list'));
>>>         $this->set('programStateList',
>>> $this->ProgramBroadcaster->Program->ProgramFile->ProgramState->find('list'));
>>>         $filter = $this->Filter->process($this);
>>>         $this->set('url',$this->Filter->url);
>>>         $this->set('programs', $this->paginate(null, $filter));
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> I need to filter datas on, and i don't know how.
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> Yudao.
> >

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