I actually submitted a tutorial for 1.2rc2 on bakery several days ago
but it hasn't been approved yet about a simple setup of action based
auth_component usage. I spend a few days reading most of what I could
find on the matter and there is a lot of things written that have not
worked for me.  I finally managed to get this working through trial
and lot of error :)

Here's a brief walk-through of what worked for me:

First, read the docs and follow the example to the letter.  This will
give you a basic login function as well as callable logout
functionality: http://book.cakephp.org/view/172/Authentication

Next, add these two lines to your login view template to include a
link to registration:
echo "Don't have an account yet? ";
echo $html->link('Register now','/users/register');

Create a register template, I used this:
if  ($session->check('Message.auth')) $session->flash('auth');
echo $form->create('User', array('action' => 'register'));
echo $form->input('username');
echo $form->input('password');
echo $form->input('password_confirm',array('type'=>'password'));
echo $form->end('Register');

And into your users contoller add this function for the registration:
function register() {
                        if ($this->data) {
                                if ($this->data['User']['password'] == 
>data['User']['password_confirm'])) {
                                        if($this->User->save($this->data)) {
                                        } else {

now almost done, make sure you enable auth component in appcontroller
and add the following in your beforeFilter:
That line allows all static pages to be viewed without authorization
as well as the index function of all controllers.
make sure you also allow 'Registration' in your users controller
otherwise your users cant register.

That's it, add more allows per controller as needed and you are done.

There are some pitfalls to avoid, most notably that the auth->deny()
function is used to remove actions from the allowed list, not actively
ban the specified action and using it along with allow('*') (basically
allowing everything) can does not work in the way at least I expected
at first (granted that was before I read the API of the auth

Hope this helps

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